The Daily Dozen 10.25.20

Man – they are not even TRYING with these Fake Melanias anymore.

Fake Melania.jpg

President Trump and Joe Biden were interviewed on “60 Minutes.” The first question: “How’s it feel to be the youngest people interviewed on ‘60 Minutes’?”


Yep, “60 Minutes” aired the interview President Trump walked out on. You know things aren’t going great when even Trump is like, “I can’t take anymore Trump.”


Minutes after Trump left, his press secretary returned with this book for Lesley Stahl, which supposedly contained the president’s “healthcare plan”:

Healthcare book.jpg

So…his healthcare plan is going to the Cheesecake Factory?

That looks like Stuart Little investigating Jeffrey Epstein.

Trump bombed on “60 Minutes.” But on the bright side, Giuliani killed it on “69 Minutes.”


A new poll has Joe Biden defeating Trump in Texas. I guess Texas looked at Trump and figured one Leatherface was enough.


Yep, Trump could lose Texas. Some called it the most surprising outcome for a sitting president in Texas, while others are John F. Kennedy.


After “Borat 2” came out, Trump and Sacha Baron Cohen continued their war of words with Cohen saying Trump’s not funny, but the world laughs at him. To which Trump said, “MY WIVES!!!”


Donald Trump Jr. posed next to a 2024 sign, suggesting he’s planning a presidential bid. Meanwhile, children posed next to Eric because they thought he was a Halloween dummy. “Wrong! I’m an ALWAYS dummy!”


The Tampa Bay Rays tied up the World Series on Saturday on this insane walk-off:

It cuts off before the baserunner stepped on a rake and fell into a table of wedding cakes.

It got even worse when the ump looked up from his phone and said, “Oh crap – were we back from commercial?”

Man - Florida hasn’t seen anything that chaotic since *literally* every election.

A pilot in North Carolina photographed a mysterious orange circle in the daytime sky. But everyone forgot about it, when he photographed a mysterious whitish circle in the nighttime sky. “They must be enemies, because the orange one took off right when the white one showed up!”


Meanwhile, Delta airlines banned 460 passengers for failing to wear a face covering. And Southwest banned 500 passengers for wearing shirts.


And lastly, Happy Birthday to Ed Robertson from Barenaked Ladies, who turned 50 years old. You can tell he’s getting up there because if he had a million dollars, he’d give it all to a Nigerian prince.


And it’ll still be one day til WE say, “Welcome to Anti-Social Skills LIVE!” 


TOMORROW NIGHT (MONDAY 10/26) we will be having our first ever LIVE A.S.Skills game on YouTube – and I will be hosting some great friends we met from the improve world back when we were testing the game. And in the spirit of the season (and all of 2020, tbh), it’s Halloween-themed. So, turn down the lights, tune in, and see if anyone pulls a Toobin.


Then when you love it – BUY THE GAME!!! Or donate a couple bucks as a way to say, “I like you – I just don’t believe in you.” I’ll still say thank you when we see each other on Mom’s birthday.


Keep Yourselves Up – and TUBE YOURSELVES IN!
